Contact us

Whether you’re a potential customer, industry pro, media member, or guest blogger, we’d love to hear from you. Include your questions, comments, feedback, or just a quick hello.

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Contact details

10 Dundas Street East, 6th Floor
Toronto, ON
Canada M5B 2G9


Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you name ze company "Zewallet"?

It's an Arabic-accented way to say "the wallet" in English. It's ze easiest way to sound Arab. Try saying zis: I siink Zewallet iz ze beste blace to woorrrk.

Do you integrate with my POS system?

We're working on POS integrations, so please send us an email and let us know which POS system you use, and we'll let you know if we can serve you today or at a later date.

Do my guests need to download an app?

No, this was intentional. We want your guests to have a frictionless experience and increase your restaurant's adoption rate.

Do my guests need to make an account?

No, your guests don't need to register an account with us. We don't even have that as an option. We want them to scan, pay, and leave in seconds.

Does Zewallet work on all phones?

Yes! Ze Zewallet web app works on all smartphones.